XXV Rassegna Corale Levantese: the latest concert

Seventh and last concert of the XXV Rassegna Corale Levantese , starring the Vocal and Instrumental Group MusicaNova of Levanto (directed by Aldo Viviani) and with the participation of: Andrea Bracco (trumpet natural and flute), Francesco Garibotti (clarinet), Camilla Bonanini, Paolo Cimino and Mariana Rusnac (violins), Youliana Kissiova (viola), Elena Mazzone (cello), Nicola Moneta (violone), Matteo Pasqualini (organ and harpsichord).

The concert, already successfully proposed on 20 July, opens with a Suite for natural trumpet, strings and continuo by Georg Philipp Telemann. The protagonist is Andrea Bracco who, a diplomat at the Conservatories of Genoa and La Spezia, obtained his specialization diploma in baroque throne at the Schola Cantorum in Basel under the guidance of Jean-Francois Madeuf.

The choral part of the program includes music by Georg Friedrich Haendel, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart of which the motet “Ave verum corpus” is proposed and two little-known romantic authors (Jan Nepomuk Skraup and Robert Führer) present at the end of the 800 between Prague and Vienna and many other locations in the Habsburg Empire.
Follows the cantata “Ad te levavi Domine” from Psalm 24 by Aldo Viviani. Performed for the first time in 2010, it is now published in the new version for choir and instruments.
Conclude the concert the “Magnificat” in D major. by Domenico Cimarosa (1749-1801). Famous opera player (his “Secret Wedding” of 1792 is still considered one of the best compositions of the 18th century Neapolitan school), he was also the author of sacred music always described by great inventive and rigorous counterpoint writing.

Appointment in Levanto (Church of Sant’Andrea) on August 17, 2019 at 9:30 pm.


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